OSD600 Lab 8 – Unit Testing

For Lab 8 we got a chance to create a java script testing program that automatically runs when we run our builds on Travis. It is quite easy with the technology from facebook to allow us to code our tests for specific function and easily test them against multiple tests to see what passes and what fails.


As you can see it’s very easy to create a test function for the function. And this file after it’s pushed gets ran by Travis which allows us easily to tell if any of the above tests have failed.

Unit testing is a new topic for me and I found it very interesting. It allows for an interesting approach with developing with test cases. to be honest I did not find anything hard about this. If anything it is much harder to do this without knowing how to create proper tests for your functions.

I will try to take the approach of test oriented development in my future javascript projects as it seems to be a good way to develop small and large applications that require precise handling of data.

You can check my build on travis using this link :


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